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Rebel 47 - Who are they?

Writer: Michelle WalshMichelle Walsh

Founded in early 2014, Rebel 47 are a rock covers band, comprising of four talented musicians, Matty Downing, Danny Evans, Gareth Baker and Kane Dingley.

Dannys role is lead guitarist, Matty provides lead vocals and guitar and can also be seen as the face of the band, Gareth plays bass and Kane resides on the drums. A favourable mix which when combined together, produces the delectable sound of Rebel 47.

R47 has become much-loved in the music scene of Plymouth and continuously draws in crowds at their gigs consisting of faithful fans and new followers. Regulars at The Nowhere Inn (Gilwell Street), which coincidentally is ran by Matty, R47 always command such stage presence. The atmosphere when they play is most definitely, electric. I have personally been to their gigs and have always thoroughly enjoyed them. It is clear to see that every other attendee feels the same.

Their superb sound, set of skills and talent aren't the only things that R47 have going for them, they are genuinely really nice guys. Always happy to have a chat with the audience, all four band members are friendly, full of banter and grateful to their loyal following.

Danny, Matty, Kane and Gareth

I decided to help their fans in becoming more acquainted with the band, so I posed some questions to them. Please enjoy the replies I received....

Where did the band name come from?

Danny - It’s a reference to a Star Wars character I believe. I was the last one to join and the band name already existed. Ask Gruff - I believe he knows…

Gruff (Gareth) - We all liked the name "Rebel" but needed something to go after it. We eventually decided on 47 as it was a combination of April (4) and 2014 (2+0+1+4 = 7) which is the date we formed.

Matty - I wanted Rebel in the title rebel circus but that name was already taken for a clothing company and the 47 came from how many times Gareth had been arrested.

Kane - It was a collaborative decision between the 4 of us, with the name ‘Rebel’ arriving first, this went through various transitions; Rebels, Rebellion, The Rebels, Rebel etc. The 47 derived from the month and the year we originally formed; April being the fourth month and 2014 being the year, in which we added all the numbers together to get 7. I’m sure we were trying hard to give the name real meaning, a story to tell if you like and and as far as I know, none of us are true “Rebels”, so 47 gave us that story! Lol……

How did you all meet?

Danny - I’m an electrician and know Matty and Kane through work, as they both worked as reps for an electrical wholesaler. I met Gruff when I joined the band.

Kane - Originally it was only myself and Gareth that knew of each other via vague friendships and the odd night out, where we would often bump into each other. He knew I was a drummer, I knew he was a bassist and that was it really. At some point he got wind that I had become a redundant drummer and asked me to drum for a new band he’d just put together, just until they found someone. I’d just been through some difficult times with previous bands and wasn’t in the frame of mind for commitment, but agreed to help out for a few months only; just until they gained some momentum and found that someone, which obviously never happened. From what I remember his original guitarist decided to move away, but luckily I knew of a work colleague that played guitar and invited him along to play (Matty), not long after that I got in touch with Danny, who I’d happened to be in a band with previously and knew that he wasn’t up to much and invited him too and the rest as they say is history.

Matty - It was fate really I was born under a wandering star and that made me special and I became a magnet for talented musicians AND drummers the rest as they say is history.

Gareth - We all had mutual friends and just kind of found ourselves together.

What is the best and worst thing about being in a band?

Danny - Best - having fun playing music with the other guys and generally leaning on each other as mates when needed. It’s a brotherhood. This is a hobby we get paid to do, it’s awesome!

Worst - nothing, Love it.

Kane - Best - Hanging out with my 3 best friends and getting to do what I/we love to do together - making music and entertaining people!

Worst - Being the drummer and the amount of gear I have to set up before I get to do what I love and the anticlimax of a gig finishing and packing away.

Matty - Best thing is doing something I love with 3 amazing friends who I genuinely love, the worst is having to play guitar with these idiots.

Gareth - Performing in front of an audience and seeing them enjoy themselves. The positive energy you feel from that is extraordinary!

Who or what inspires you?

Danny - Many musicians obviously and music itself always inspires me in life generally. People who make you feel better I also find incredibly inspiring, from all walks of life there are those who just have a natural gift for lifting your spirits.

Matty - My friends and my family and food.

Kane - My dad 100%, who unfortunately is no longer with us (passed away in 2008). When I was about 8, we both use to joke about getting a drum kit and learning to play, eventually one day he came home with a kit for me, what a day! Although he never learnt to play himself, he enjoyed the fact that I did and that I was able use what I’d learnt to play in a band. He absolutely adored watching me play and it’s for that reason and the history behind me learning to play that when I sit behind my kit, I feel like he’s still with me and as odd as this may sound I will always call upon him to make sure we all have a good gig (the lads don’t know this).


- Positive energy from an audience.

What is your favourite song, to perform

and to listen to?

Danny - To perform, either Superstition, or Alive by Pearl Jam. No wait, Don’t you forget about me by simple minds gets everyone singing at the top of their voices which is amazing. Aaaaggh, there’s so many!

To listen to (as in anytime and not us playing?) would be a live version of sultans of swing by Dire Straits, the one from Wembley in 1985.

Gareth - Stevie Wonder Superstition.

Matty - Song to perform is usually the last song and to listen to is anything by 80s boy band big fun!

Kane - Rage Against The Machine - Killing In The Name!

It’s usually the last song of our gig and all four of us are ready to lose our heads! The crowd have been primed and are waiting to go one last time, equally we’re wanting to give them a good send off. As soon as we hit that first chord it sends shivers down my spine and as we settle in it makes me smile when I look up and everyone in the room is heavily engaged with each other; it’s insane!!! I love it

Where is your dream venue to perform?

Danny - It was always Wembley stadium, but being more realistic, I would love to play on Plymouth Hoe to a big crowd.

Kane - It’s not a venue as such, but for as long as the show has been going, I’ve always wanted to perform live on Jules Holland. Playing originals and getting that “15 minutes of fame” would satisfy me no end and earn us the recognition we deserve.

Gareth - The Viper Room in LA, although it's soon to be demolished :(

Matty - I should probably say The Nowhere but the Junction in Plymouth was a big deal.

What has been your most favourite gig?

Danny - It would be any of the iconic Plymouth venues we play where everyone is jumping up and down - The Thistle, or the 3 Crowns spring to mind.

Gareth - Difficult to say as there have been so many. They've all had memorable moments!

Matty - That's tough have favourites for different reasons our first as a 4 piece was special a wedding recently first gig at the thistle any gig at the nowhere solo gig at pit all for different reasons but generally the happy feeling inside that it gives me knowing that I've entertained people.

Kane - Ermmm, but there have been a few……I’d say The Thistle Park Tavern back in 2019, it was rammed, we’d played well, the crowd were incredible and even my mum was there! Lol!

Who would you most love to collaborate with?

Danny - Kris Barras is an amazing blues artist and I do love my blues, so definitely him. Eddie Vedder too, but I’m unlikely to get that chance!

Kane - As a full band: Prince, Eric Clapton, Pino Palladino and John Lord.

Singing with: George Michael.

Matty - The other members of rebel 47 - they leave me out of socials and hotel rooms etc. And any local musician.

What musician/performer (dead or alive) would you like to have a drink with?

Danny - The edge from U2 - an amazing guitarist who is so unique and so underrated.

Kane - Elvis for sure, he was there when it all began!

Matty - Lemme and then I'd be dead.

Gareth - Freddie Mercury.

Do you sing in the shower?

Danny - Of course - top of my voice too. Doesn’t everyone? If you don’t then there’s something wrong with you.

Matty - Yeah great acoustics.

Kane - Yes, who doesn’t!???

Gareth - Absolutely not!!

Do you have any other talents?

Danny - Bad jokes. Not so much as in telling jokes, but a razor sharp wit and word play talent for sure. Not always funny, but definitely quick.

Kane - I’m always late! Does that count?

Matty - I've become much better at fingering had alot of opportunities to practice by myself but much better when you can see the enjoyment In the faces of those experiencing it.

Plus sounds alot better than strumming at times.....

Gareth - Nope!

Tell me one fact about you that not many people would know.

Danny - I spent a week in a recording studio with Boy George in the late 90s, as he was going to sign Rushmore to his label. I also nearly knocked Tom Jones down some stairs once (by accident), but that’s 2 things so take your pick.

Gareth - I'm technically an ordained priest!

Kane - I have an extra rib on the right side of my rib cage! Almost as quirky as Chandler’s third nipple!

Matty - I'm an open book I dont have secrets as such.

And I'm in blues infused hiphop rock 5 piece quartet called hiphopotimus.

Most important question, jam first or cream first?!

Danny - Cream first, we are in Devon

Matty - Not fussed as long as I'm eating it - seems a silly thing for Devon and Cornwall to argue over when's there's more pressing arguments like, Devon has an IKEA!

Gareth - Cream!!!

Kane - I’m not from the South West originally, but common sense dictates that it’s cream and then jam!!!!

Michelle - Think you'll find it's actually jam first guys......

I hope you have enjoyed getting to know the awesome members of Rebel 47 just as much as I have. I think it's pretty clear who the joker of the group is!

Sample set list

Rebel 47 are available for gigs at your pub, club, wedding venue and much more.

Head over to their Facebook page at to find out more information about when and where they are performing and how to contact them.

Keep an eye on The Nowhere Inn for upcoming gigs at

They are playing at The Stoke Inn Thursday 2nd June at 9pm and on Saturday 4th June for the Ermington fun day.

Thank you for reading,

Michelle Walsh.


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